How to Identify What Skin Type You Have

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One of the most important factors of clear, bright, and refreshed skin is knowing your skin type because once you’ve figured that out, then seeking out skincare solutions for any of your concerns will be made easier since cosmetics are often categorized and designed by the type of skin that you have. There are four main skin types, which are oily, dry, combination, and normal. Other types of skin, such as sensitive or demanding, are more symptoms than they are types, because they can occur in any of the main skin types, therefore you can have oily, dry, combination that displays signs of mild to severe sensitivity or premature aging.

Knowing the types of skin and their characteristics will help you in the long run, because as we age, our skin is also likely to change a bit as well, so it’s important to know what the skin types are so that you can adjust accordingly.

The Skin Types

Oily skin is often characterised by an overproduction of sebum. People with this skin type are often said to have thicker skin because oil skin is the least likely to show premature signs of aging and holds up well to outside factors that would otherwise make other skin types appear more weathered. However, oily skin is also likely to develop acne, blackheads, pimples, and other skin eruptions so using products that exfoliate, gently cleanse deep into the pores, with skin-balancing moisturizers are recommended.

Dry skin, on the other hand is skin that often feels tight, itchy, or sometimes irritated do to a limited amount sebum production in the skin. Those with dry skin are the most likely to show signs of aging because there is a lack of moisture and oil within and on the skin that keeps it protected. However, dry skin holds up well to makeup, is least likely to have pimples and acne, and attracts less dirt. But it does lack moisture and hydration, which often makes it feel uncomfortable, so those with dry skin would benefit from emollient products that are full of hydrating ingredients that lock in water.

Combination skin contains both oily and dry skin in certain parts of the face. Often, there is a T-zone that runs along the forehead, nose and chin, which are often oilier than the cheeks. Those with combination skin must play a balancing act to ensure that both skin types on their face are addressed without throwing their skin off balance. Gentle, natural ingredients, such as aloe, witch hazel, lactic acid, green tea, and jojoba are best for this skin type.

Normal skin types are often the luckiest because of its problem-free characteristics of small-pores, even skin, and limited blemishes. Normal skin can be treated with a gentle, yet effective cleanser for best results.

Sensitive or demanding skin are usually brought on by the use of the wrong product, chemicals, eating something that doesn’t agree with our complexion or environmental harms that can lead to redness, rashes, irritations, weathering, burning, and other uncomfortable skin conditions. These skin types must be treated with gentle care, utilizing calming, soothing ingredients.

How to Determine Your Skin Type

Now that you know what the skin types are, finding your skin type is pretty easy. Simply wash your face with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Do not apply toner or moisturizer, just leave your skin bare for at least 30 minutes. After the allotted time, if you notice that your skin can manage without a moisturizer and feels rather slick, then you likely have oily skin. If you notice that it feels tight when you smile or frown with some ashiness and flakes, then you likely have a dry skin type. If you notice that your face shines in the T-zone area, but feels parched and tight in the cheeks, then you likely have a combination skin type. If you notice nothing, and your skin is neither oily or dry, then you probably have normal skin. 

You may also use blotting tissues to determine your skin type. Simply blot your skin, in various parts of your face, with separate tissues. If the tissues are completely soaked with oil, then you have an oily skin type, if barely any oil shows up, then you are likely dry. If your cheeks barely produce any oil on the paper, while your t-zone does, then you are likely combination. If there is a normal amount, not soaked or dry, then you are probably normal.

Finding your skin type is easy once you figure out what to look for. Always keep your skin type in mind when searching for the best products to treat you skin.

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